⚔️Boss & Clan Raids
In the Missions tab, you'll see a variety of tasks available. The key gameplay activities in MemeFi are boss raids and clan raids.
Boss Raids
The boss raid task is the basic activity you'll be able to complete daily. You can navigate to in the Home tab, via the Missions tab or by choosing a specific boss on the map.
This is the only task that releases new $MEMEFI rewards into the in-game economy. For this reason, your clan is concerned with your performance, as it is the main source of value for its treasury holdings.
You can only attack a boss once a day. All bosses have their own strengths values:
Boss Name | Strength (In $PWR) |
400 | |
2000 | |
4000 | |
10000 | |
20000 | |
40000 | |
100000 |
As of now, victory is determined probabilistically i.e. not guaranteed. In case of a defeat, the $PWR is lost, while no reward is paid out. The victory chance is calculated based on the boss's and your character's strengths.
The value of your boss raid reward in $MEMEFI is equal to your expected daily ROI.
All the rewards are collected into the clan's treasury, where they rest for a day and then paid out.
Members receive the rewards based on their PWR share of the total clan PWR, not their involvement in boss fights or clan raids. So, winners "fund" losers' rewards.
In a healthy clan, this does not affect your rewards and your average rewards will converge to your expected daily ROI, as your losses are funded as well. Bad clans can get exploited by "leeches" who do not participate in clan activity, but receive the rewards.
Clan Raids
As all players are members of different clans, clan warfare becomes possible. Clan raids are initiated by memelords and are unlocked in the Missions tab if active.
Why Raid?
User rewards from boss raids are first collected to their clan's treasury. They are held in the treasury until distributed on the third day.
Other clans have a window of opportunity to attack and plunder the other clan's treasury, splitting rewards between memebers.
Clan raids allow players to increase their rewards.
Clan Raid Mechanics
When initiating a raid, the clan's memelord select the amount of $PWR the clan needs to collect to for the attack to start. In the next 12 hours, clan members are given the opportunity to join the raid and the amount of $PWR equal to their strength is added to the pool.
If the clan cannot collect the selected amount of $PWR, all the $PWR of raid participants is lost without launching the raid.
The defending clan always uses the total clan strength i.e. the sum of strengths of all memebrs.
The probability of victory for the attacking clan is determined as follows:
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