Exploring Users
The Explore tab in the bottom tray is the player's primary tool when it comes to keys. It allows you to find new users and explore their stats to make key purchases.
The section is devided into three tabs based on major user ranking criteria: it shows Top, Trending and Newest users. The window also includes a tab with a running feed of key trades.
None of what is said here constitutes financial advice. The article explores the key system and the choices players might want to make.
The different user rankings allow users to improve their choices when buying keys.
In the Top tab, users are weighted according to their key price. This allows you to find the most "legit" players who are popular with other users. Still, such a trade carries a risk, since the keys might be overpriced based on the expected reward.
In the Trending tab, users are ranked based on the popularity of their keys. You can find the players whose keys are deemed a good buy at the moment. Naturally, this entails a risk, as market momentum does not guarantee succes.
In the Newest tab, you'll see the users who have just onboarded the app. This helps key traders to snipe for cheap the keys they deem a good buy. New users are not guaranteed to continue playing the game or become hot on the key market, so there's a natural risk associated with the purchase.
The trade tab lists all key sales and buys. You can track the actions of other players there. You may prefer to follow specific players — it's possible to do this in their profile.
Exploring users
Important criteria
There are a number of things you may want to consider when buying a key. The most immediate ones to take a look at are the character's strength, which defines the daily return, and the $PWR balance, which defines total return.
The $PWR/key price ratio shows the total profit potential the key issuer has compared to the "investment"; this shows if the key is overvalued or undervalued long-term
The strength/key price ratio shows the daily return relative to the price; this can identify overvalued or undervalued keys short-term
The number of key owned by the key issuer is also important. If a player owns a lot of their own keys, on the contrary, is a negative sign for buyers, as it does not only imply dilution, but makes it more likely that the key issue will sell their own keys.
User profiles
Click on any user to go to their profile. The profile contains a wide range of important info, such as the holder distribution, expected yield and user activity. The Stats tab explores critical info associated with the player's performance.
Last updated